Each cell contains a series of hexadecimal color codes with matching red and blue components. The green components, when read as decimal digits, spell out words in A1Z26 with one letter replaced by 00.
These words are all shades of red or blue, suggesting that the clues form two groups. For the shades of blue, the first digit of the blue component enumerates from 1 to 9, and similarly for the first digit of the red component in the shades of red going from 1 from 8, suggesting that the clues should be ordered in this way.
Hex code | Word | Letter | Hex code | Word | Letter | |
#34-??-18 | _YAN | C | #10-??-D0 | CR_MSON | I | |
#59-??-2C | U_TRAMARINE | L | #24-??-83 | RE_WOOD | D | |
#34-??-31 | _ZURE | A | #37-??-AF | CARMIN_ | E | |
#77-??-40 | I_IS | R | #4B-??-AF | CIN_ABAR | N | |
#34-??-53 | S_Y | K | #59-??-13 | SCARLE_ | T | |
#AB-??-64 | PERIWIN_LE | K | #66-??-D0 | BR_CK | I | |
#86-??-77 | D_NIM | E | #77-??-90 | RUS_ | T | |
#4B-??-88 | CERULEA_ | N | #86-??-D0 | RUB_ | Y | |
#34-??-9F | CELES_E | T |
This spells out the clue phrase CLARK KENT IDENTITY, the answer to which is